Today’s CO2 Spot Price

Real-time installation of climate market data for the European Union from July to September 2009. The daily spot price for CO2 emission permits was updated every day European energy markets were open over the duration of the exhibition. This work was comprised of a flexible magnetic numbering system mounted on the road-facing facade of the Maison des Arts Georges Pompidou, Cajarc. CO2 price data came from the European Energy Exchange (EEX).  

CO2 Spot Price was recreated and again charted daily price fluctuations from June–November 2017 in 4.543 billion. The matter of matter. at CAPC Bordeaux, and again in 2018 in Cultural Hijack at Archip, Prague.

Thanks to Martine Michard, Hélène Maury, Stephane Marchais, and Monika Kulicka.


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