Sell Us Your Liberty, or We’ll Subcontract Your Death (Hoover Institution, California)
Sell Us…(Hoover) continues on from the series Some Doors of Some Hoover Fellows (2003).

236 Grace Hawes
233 Grace Goldberger
234 Ltc. Donald Halpin
200 HRC H.R. McMaster
110 Abbas Milani
234 Abraham Sofaer
Some activities as legal adviser, U.S. Department of State
Selected Negotiations
* Settlement of dispute over Taba (Egypt/Israel)
* Claims for deaths at Ras Burga (Egypt/Israel/U.S.)
* Convention on Maritime Terrorism (multinational)
* Claims for deaths on USS Stark (Iraq/U.S.)
* Plan for the Permanent Members of the U.N. Security Council to use the International Court of Justice (China/France/U.K./U.S./U.S.S.R.)
* Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal (Iran/U.S.)
* Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
* Sovereign Immunity in Soviet/U.S. Relations
* Compensation Agreement, Orlando Letelier assassination (Chile/U.S.)
Selected Arbitrations and Adjudications
* United States v. Iran, Case B-1, Cl.4 (Hague Tribunal)
* ELSI (Raytheon, Inc.) v. Italy (ICJ)
* In the Matter of Mazilu (ICJ) (amicus curiae)
* Iran v. United States (ICJ) (Airbus case)
* United States v. United Kingdom (PCA)
(arbitration of Heathrow Airport fees)